Tuesday October 8, 2013, 86 miles (138 km) – Total so far: 342 miles (551 km)

Sunrise this morning in Marathon.

More Texas eye candy. A very beautiful part of this great country.

Tim flying downhill before our first coffee break.

Another day at the office.

A tarantula looking for something to eat. We have noticed quite a few of these critters but it is hard to get one to pose for a snapshot. We also saw elk and deer and of course lots of cattle.
Today’s ride was blissful. We lost about 1500 feet or more of elevation. The wind was negligible for the most part, and we encountered very light traffic, beautiful blue skies, and warm temperatures. It was an easy 85-mile day. We are in Sanderson, TX, at the Outback Oasis Motel. It sure isn’t the Ritz, but it will do fine. Tomorrow we plan to make it to Del Rio.