This morning, I took a picture of my two charging towers and most of the lights being charged over night, along with the battery pack being charged last night, which will keep my phone charged during the ride. We need that for the directions it will speak to us to get us to our destination today and every day. My approach in biking these days is to be as lit up as a Christmas tree, so that motorists actually notice us and we’re not invisible. When Mark, Tim and I started biking across the U.S. in February of 2012, Tim was the only one of us who had any lights on his bike.
The photo also shows my backpack containing a bag inside it full of water. Mark was smart enough to know to bring one of these even back in 2012. Later on our cross country rides, Tim and I would buy them and bring them along with us. They work great for keeping us hydrated.
I took another photo this morning of the book I brought with me to read at the end of the day. It’s about the first explorers from Denmark who went to northeastern Greenland. Since we’re going to be hot and sweaty by the end of each day’s ride, I thought reading this book would help me to cool off at the end of the day. Mind over matter? We’ll see.
More to come. Thanks!
It’s a really cold and damp day in Media today. It’s 53 degrees right now. Have a great ride!