Monday October 13, 2014, 47 miles (76 km) – Total so far: 246 miles (396 km)

This morning the plan was to ride at 7:30 but it was pouring rain and this is what it looked like when we left 30 minutes later.
So it began with a downpour and we left in a light drizzle which ended quickly but left the roads wet and my shoes and back soaked because my circus bike doesn’t have any fenders and the water splashes right up my back and down into my shorts making them very squishy and soggy. I really should get a saddle bag like Tim’s which acts like fender over his back wheel. The roads today were the best so far in Texas in terms of asphalt quality and I hope we never have to ride on a chip seal surface again but don’t count on it. The weather started brightening and the wind was mostly a cross or tail wind.

The sun is just about to break through the morning clouds.
The ride into Wimberley was fast and downhill. It looked like a cool town with a bunch of neat places to shop and hang out but we didn’t get the chance to visit any as we made a quick entry and exit because when you get a tail wind the bike Gods are on your side for a change and stopping might anger them and that would not be good.
After Wimberley the road veered north (into the wind) and became quite hilly for the next 10 miles and some of those climbs were really steep and hard. Fortunately the road turns slightly south about 10 or 11 miles from Kyle and drops about 500 feet in elevation so we made great time but since Kyle is right on Interstate 35, traffic increased significantly and the shoulder is pretty narrow in spots. We averaged at least 20 mph in this last stretch and photo ops were few so I apologize for today’s boring shots. I didn’t see anything worthwhile, even the ranches had nothing of interest to see today. I’ll get some better images tomorrow.
Mark, I did enjoy your post, but was frankly disappointed by your not mentioning the exciting LBJ museum! C’mon, the best part? However, the pic of you and LBJ was pretty fine. You always tell me that he is your favorite president, so I’m just surprised. But keep on truckin”. I actually heard that on XPN this morning and thought of you.