Tuesday October 14, 2014, 60 miles (97 km) – Total so far: 354 miles (570 km)
Guess which one of us didn’t have to walk up any hills today? Give up? Me and my awesome Bike Friday! It’s am amazing road bike, by far the most comfortable bike I own and the most dependable one on this trip and it takes only 30 minutes to assemble and even less to pack up. The baggage handlers in the airport can’t even break it.
Baxter State Park has the steepest hills we have encountered so far. More than 15% grade in some places. There was a forest fire a few years ago and the unique Loblolly Pines were decimated but are starting to come back.

The no car bridge over the Colorado River leaving Bastrop this morning.

Wonder if Patrick Swayze works there?

Entering Baxter State Park and then enjoying no traffic for the next 18 miles but the hills were killers.

The remains of the burnt trees. We talked to a local who thought the fire started on Labor Day weekend in 2011, the result of a lightening strike.

Beautiful Monarch butterflies were flying south for the winter in Mexico all day. This one was in the park

A group of cycling ministers who prayed for our safety. It was touching and moving and I said, “Thank you” instead of “Amen” and they forgave me.

I love second lunch, too. I already had a sausage cheese sandwich earlier, and a candy bar and a granola bar, an apple and a banana and Beth still tells me I’m skinny and need to eat more. I’m trying Beth! I had a cheeseburger and a large coke at Sonic and probably could have had another.

Another Texas bike ornament. This one is near La Grange about 10 miles from Pound Top. I take all these shots by pulling out my phone and clicking away on the fly.

I remember all these oil and gas company signs. It was before WaWa took over the market. Back in the day.

Our home for the night. Only 2 rooms so Tim and I better not keep each other awake snoring tonight. I’ll let you know tomorrow how I slept.
Who on earth is the kid in the red hockey shirt in you picture with the ministers? That looks like the most nonchalant photo bomb ever!
I’m pretty sure that Patrick Swayze does not work there.
Congrats Dad, proud of you for finishing another leg of your ride!!!!!!
also he totally does work there
I agree with Mark about Swayze working there. I remember being over Shelly and Linda’s house late one night (I must have been like 9) and they were watching Roadhouse – I don’t even think Liam was there. I just kept thinking to myself: ‘I shouldn’t be watching this.’
I had a very similar experience watching RoboCop at their house.