Wednesday March 2, 2016, 74 miles (119 km) – Total so far: 422 miles (680 km)
It’s after midnight now, and I fell asleep right after dinner only to awaken when the clock radio alarm went off at 12 o’clock and now I can’t fall back asleep so I will catch up with my blog post. Today was another perfect riding day made even better with a 10 to 15 mph tailwind. It makes you feel awesome to ride easily along at 17 or 18 mph without really pushing. It’s still hard work to be on a bike for 7 or 8 hours but with a tailwind it sure eases some of the discomfort. We had 3 flats today. I had one in the first 10 miles, then Brian had a slow leak, but he was able to keep pumping up his tire to finish the ride while Matt had a flat 5 miles from the end. We had to go to a bike store in High Springs for spare tubes and I got a new tire. I fell for the first time while riding on a sandy sidewalk through some road construction. It made a terrible loud crashing noise but I was only going a few mph and only skinned my knee and bruised my ego. But I got right back up and road on “fearless”. We again used Google bike directions instead of Adventure Cycling and saved about 10 miles. We rode 90 until Lake City and then rode on 41 until about 8 miles from High Springs, where we rejoined the ACA route. We are in a B&B called The Grady House. They have had other cyclists stay here in the past.

The first cloudy day but after lunch the sunshine returned.

Roadside wild flower.

A downtown park in Live Oak.

Wall mural.

The bike store in High Springs.

This is the best I could do for your “beef cake” pic. This is in the lovely gardens at The Grady House.
We walked a few blocks to dinner at “The Great Outdoors ” and enjoyed food and drinks and live music.
p.s. Nancy, if you are still reading this post I hope you realize that I titled it especially for you! Now go and Live Fearless, my beloved.