My parents blessed my brothers and sisters with several driving trip vacations growing up. We drove to Ft. Myers Beach, Florida in a nine passenger station wagon. We flew to LA. and drove from San Diego to Seattle with side trips to Tijuana and Victoria. The most memorable trip for me was when we flew into Denver and made a big loop with stops at Grand Canyon, Salt Lake City and Yellowstone to name just a few.
I think my desire to see as much of this great country of ours originated with those trips. I was able to take my kids on a two month journey in 1989 when I was recovering from sarcoidosis. I think it was a trip my kids will hopefully never forget and will pass on to their kids. For me it was a trip of a lifetime.
Now I am launching on an adventure to see sections of this country I have seen and some sections I have not seen. The big difference is I will be seeing and experiencing sights you rarely get to see except on a bicycle. I have done some bike touring by myself and with my son Mike and there is no other way to describe it except it is an adventure. You never know what you will encounter until you are doing it. I get to do this adventure with two of my brothers who are physically able (we hope). Fortunately we can all take this time with the blessings (maybe it is more like an OK) of our wives as long as we all promised to be safe and look after one another. Thanks again Marcia, Nancy and Holly.
One extra bonus for me is I had a grand-daughter born on 2/17 so I get to see her for the first time in person since my son Mike lives in San Diego, the start of our trip. Mike will also be riding with us for a stretch of that first day as we leave San Diego. My bike was shipped to Mike’s and he helped me put it back together. We took a 26 mile test drive and visited the local Performenace store for some last minute tunes up and purchases. On a tuneup ride we rode to Point Loma Lighthouse at Cabrillo Point. It is a National Park so you have to pay an admission of $3 each. The ranger at the booth told me if I was 62 I qualified for a Senior Pass for $10 which is a lifetime admission to all National Parks, National Sites and National Forests. I also get to take in 3 people with me each visit. A word to the wise bros, be nice to me and don’t ditch me.